Merlin Press
Book of the Month

Socialist Register 2025: Openings and Closures (Paperback Edition)
- Author: Greg Albo and Stephen Maher
- Publisher: Socialist Register
- Isbn: 9780850367928
- Binding: Paperback
- Pub. Date: 2025-02
- Price: £20.00
Socialists are at a crossroads, facing the return of Donald Trump to the presidency of the American empire, concerned by planetary warming if previous commitments to phase out fossil fuels are dashed, and seeing neoliberalism’s inability to provide a humane framework for macroeconomic stability, ideological legitimacy or global political order.
What can the left carry forward from recent strategies, tactics, and organizations that not so long ago seemed so promising? Is the left starting over, or moving on?
Greg Albo & Stephen Maher, Preface;
Panagiotis Sotiris, On the (Im)Possibility of a ‘Left overnment’: Some Strategic Questions Revisited;
Umut Özsu, International Law, Palestine and Socialism;
Michael Calderbank & Hilary Wainwright, Losing Momentum: Strategic Dilemmas for Socialists in Britain;
Greig Charnock, Jose Mansilla & Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, Barcelona En Comú: Openings, Closures and a Bittersweet Legacy;
Catarina Príncipe, European Integration and Strategy for the Left: Portugal as a Cautionary Tale;
Ayyaz Mallick, The Autumn of the Patriarchs: A New Conjuncture in Pakistan;
Şebnem Oğuz, Late Fascism and the Turkish State: Questions of Strategy;
Jeffery R. Webber, The Paradox of Latin American Populism: A View from Bolivia;
Ruth Felder & Viviana Patroni, Staring into the Abyss: Javier Milei and the Anarcho-Capitalist Road in Argentina;
Ingar Solty, The Resistible Rise of Fascism: The Far Right and the Crisis of the German Left;
David A. McDonald, Radical Remunicipalizations: Remaking and Reclaiming Public Services;
Thomas Marois, The Democratic and Transformative;
Susan Spronk, Potential of Public Banks;
Touré F. Reed, Is it Race or Racism? Why Binary Explanations for Inequality Have Failed Black Americans;
Nick French, The US Left’s New Labour Moment and the Rank-and-File Strategy;
Feyzi Ismail, The Climate Movement, the Suffragettes and the Meaning of Militancy;
Arun Gupta, The Contemporary History of the US Palestine Solidarity Movement.

Greg Albo and Stephen Maher
Socialist Register
Socialists are at a crossroads, facing the return of Donald Trump to the presidency of the American empire, concerned by planetary warming if previous commitments to phase out fossil fuels are...

Greg Albo and Stephen Maher
Socialist Register
Socialists are at a crossroads, facing the return of Donald Trump to the presidency of the American empire, concerned by planetary warming if previous commitments to phase out fossil...

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