Merlin Press
Book of the Month
Big Flame: Building Movements, New Politics
- Author: Max Farrar & Kevin McDonnell
- Isbn: 9780850367959
- Binding: Paperback
- Pub. Date: 2024-11
- Price: £30.00
This book, written by two former members, addresses the ideas and experiences of a small revolutionary socialist and feminist organisation.
It reflects on influences (among them Italian Marxism, libertarianism, feminism) and critiques (of Leninism and Trotskyism) that helped shape Big Flame and reflects on its successes and failures.Many other former members write about their experiences in lively times and in harder times, after Margaret Thatcher won the 1979 election.
They say: "our book is aimed at those in the radical movements of every type who are seriously interested in political ideas and their relationship to political struggle. It seeks to assist all those who continue to challenge racist, patriarchal capitalism and to organise for a future where love and equality will prevail".
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